Seeking to Understand: Gaining Sight

Before I signed off my last post, I wanted to give you something to begin to have more sight with your child (as well as yourself & your spouse), beginning tonight. This is one of the resources that has blessed my home & every single relationship therein – ESPECIALLY those relationships with my children & my most significant role of “mom” – their greatest teacher.

Why? Because of what it helps me to see.

My cute daughter "gaining sight" with her cute glasses. ;)

My cute daughter “gaining sight” with her cute glasses. 😉

The resources I share below, was provided to me, at a time when I was seeking & asking, a time when I very much needed, “to gain sight”. It played a significant role during this time in my seeking to understand what was going on in me & my home. It supported me in learning more about who my children are – why they look, act, think & interact the way they do; revealing the reality that so many of those things I tried to change or make stop – are actually very purposeful gifts. Gifts I just get to learn & teach them to use as the gifts they are – by the way I see, communicate, interact with & relate to them. This understanding has helped transform how I see myself & my children, & thus, how I “parent” them.

It was such a joy to work with Carol Tuttle, the founder of the “Dressing Your Truth” system, on & off for the last couple of years. My making the very purposeful, inspired & intentional decision to leave employment with Dressing Your Truth in August 2013 – something I loved so much, for “something” I loved even more – is a story all on it’s own. A beautiful & blessed experience I will share more on later. For now, let me share that even before working for this company, I was drawn to the understanding at the foundation of the Dressing Your Truth system, which Carol calls “Energy Profiling“.

Now personally, I have never been a big “fashion buff”. Still am not. However, as I share below, when asked to share my thoughts about Dressing Your Truth, I would recommend Dressing Your Truth BECAUSE of the Energy Profiling education at the heart of it all. Why? Simply because of what these resources help us see, & in that, what it helps us BE….

When asked to share my thoughts, I made this simple statement of truth:

“Dressing Your Truth is so much more than about “dressing”. It is about a woman (man or child to!) recognizing, about seeing & feeling for herself, maybe for the first time in her life, the beauty of who she is. This supports her in naturally expressing, even celebrating it, as a way of life; to share the gift she is & what she alone can, more freely & fully. It is incredible what happens when she does!”

As an individual, a spouse & as a parent, we can get so caught up in our own inner world & “life” as we know it, that we miss, & worse yet, even “villain-ize” the beauty, the gift, that is right in front of us & right within the walls of our homes. Seeing through the colored glasses of our own beliefs, our own ways & habits of thinking, our own past experiences, our own emotions; our sight can be so limited. Even more, we unawares, treat these gifts as dross & leave some much of what they have to offer completely dormant, or worse yet, judged, ridiculed & even rejected.

What if you could see your child’s dynamic nature as a gift; a gift of action & powerful influence in the lives around him?

What if you could understand your spouses black & white nature, “all or nothing” tendencies, as a natural expression of who they are, & learn to support them in living this gift in a balanced, natural expression to bless both of your lives & the home you share?

What if you could see your mothers “child-like” nature & “rosy disposition” as a blessing, with the “breathe of fresh air” she brings wherever she goes; rather than a nuisance, irritation or something you resent?

What if you could learn why you think the way you do, why you feel things as deeply as you do, why you act & interact the way you do, & even move through life & look the way you do? And, what if you learned, despite what you have thought or what you have “taken to heart” through out your life, that NONE of this means, or has anything to do with, something “being” wrong with you? But, rather a gift, a beautiful, powerful & purpose gift, you alone are uniquely given & meant to share with others in a way that blesses your life & all those around you as no one else can? What if what you need, is to understand this, & learn the most effective, & supportive ways of you doing so?

What if THIS is exactly what your child, or your spouse, needs as well?

Would any of this make a difference?

Most definitely. The depth & extent of “mattering”, in fact, I think, is beyond what any of us can fully perceive or comprehend right now.

Standing in all that I know to be true in my heart, I can say that what we need, is to see. The answers we seek & solutions we need today, are about so much more than just “healing” (or “letting go of the story” as I heard it perfectly defined recently) alone. This is about so much more than just “clearing up” of something, & truly has nothing to do with “fixing” you or yours. For in truth, you are not “broken” or “flawed”& neither are they. It is about what comes after these often times, albeit profoundly supportive, “first step means-to-an-end”, that help us to be where we need to be so we can see, so we can feel, so we can perceive “the whole story”. This sight enables the living – truly living – as freely & fully as we possibly can, who & what we each are, what we each hold & what we each are here to do – one day, one interaction, one expression at a time. In this, we are given to help those we love do the same. That is the most sacred role, & this most significant daily, hourly, moment-to-moment work, we are engaged in as parents & as families.

This is something that we each can, & in fact must, learn to do  – our homes, our health, our happiness & that of our families & our nation as a whole for that matter – vitally depend upon our doing so.

Until next time…..

Take care & God bless you & yours,


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